Essential component
It is different depending on the circumstances of an organization and environment, but there are common items which must be observed all the time.
It gives information about relevant elements for preparing a proposal.

Front Cover Type 01
As the page through which the company meets the customers for the first time, its composition should be implicit and symbolical.
It contains the contents, such as the company logo, slogan, and dates.
It contains the contents, such as the company logo, slogan, and dates.
Front Cover Type 02
Center alignment is used for one-line titles and left alignment for titles of two or more lines. It contains contents, such as the client logo, title, date, and company logo.
Center alignment is used for one-line titles and left alignment for titles of two or more lines. It contains contents, such as the client logo, title, date, and company logo.
Back Cover
This contains the contents, such as the company logo, address, and internet site information.
The table of contents is an entrance which guides the users to the text. It serves as a milestone to help the users see the whole content at a glance or easily find what they need.
To provide a hierarchical structure with chapter and section titles and page numbers will help create understandable experiences for users.
Type 01
Number-emphasis type
This type helps people see the contents of the proposal at a glance or easily find parts that they need. Chapter or section titles are written together with page numbers.
This type helps people see the contents of the proposal at a glance or easily find parts that they need. Chapter or section titles are written together with page numbers.
Type 02
Item-emphasis type
This type helps people see the contents of the proposal at a glance or easily find parts that they need. This type focused on chapter titles is used for documents which are not complicated.
This type helps people see the contents of the proposal at a glance or easily find parts that they need. This type focused on chapter titles is used for documents which are not complicated.
Chapter & Running Head
The document configuration is divided into several units or chapters (sections). As sub-table of contents are contained depending on the complexity of the content, serial numbers are used, in general.
Running heads, which are initial letters of a document, are used like folios, or page numbers, to help people easily understand the hierarchical structure and pages which they want.
Chapter & Section Type
The serial numbers of chapters shall be shown as Arabic numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4…
They will be written from left to right, and the operation should be done under a system, such as 1.1 and 1-1, as if a chapter is subdivided into sections, to avoid confusion.
Chapter Type
It doesn’t matter if it is left or right when there are no sub-tables of contents, but unique consistency should be maintained.
Running Head Type 01
Horizontal type
Running Head Type 02
Vertical type
and the others
Summary of RecommedationsType
It is desirable to handle the content summary separately from the text optionally, if necessary. The summary should be organized in a way to emphasize the core of the text, not as an additional element of the text.